Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"The Rotten Finger" Hint Fiction

Students wrote a Hint Fiction story based on the the prompt title of "The Rotten Finger". The stories the students developed can be seen in the comments of this post. Enjoy!


  1. As I went to eat the delicious finger, I saw green stuff, and changed my mind.

  2. she got bite by a zombie.
    then end didn't end so well.

  3. Zach-
    He pointed the rotten finger at him, but he forgot that when you point at someone, three fingers point back

  4. Juan G.

    Why is this finger green when the rest of them are looking normal?
    I guess this can only mean something is wrong with me.

  5. Hungry, but lost. No food in site. Easiest thing to take, a finger. Lets hope its not a rotten finger.

  6. The person who had a rotten finger hardly ever washes there hands. Any one who got close to them wanted to stay away.

  7. The old guy down the rode, guy had a rotten finger. It was half gone and the rest was hanging.

  8. His fingers were gross and dirty and smelt really bad but still he did not want to wash his hands.

  9. Sitting in a jar, molding, almost ready, turning gray. Almost black, she wants to eat it, but she cant its not ready yet. Not yet.


  10. all It touched withered away, spreading its vile hear and there. who could stop It, who? the day was It's; It belonged to no one

  11. I guy i have known all my life. Healthy till now In the hospital with a rotten finger

  12. He got left behind in Antarctica.It was really cold and no one came back so it ended badly.

  13. I look at it the finger it was rotten the rest of every ones just fine but but mine how did it happen why me.

  14. My finger been cut off and I was saving it but something bad happened to the finger when I touched it and it started bleeding.

  15. He stuck his finger in rotten meat and people were staying away from him.

  16. Oscar
    un hombre se mocho un dedo ilo yevaron al hospital ino se pudo aliviar
    estubo mucho dias al hospital pero no pudieron aser nada los doctore
    se acabo la historia

  17. The finger was gross, smelly, and had all kinds of nasty warts on it. Nobody wanted to touch it or even come near it. - Tyler

  18. Hunter
    Timmy was playing in the old abandoned cheese factory and jumped in a old rotten pit of cheese and stunk like a rotten finger

  19. Jenna Johnson

    They found the finger on the crime scene. It must have been there for days. They wonder whose it could be.

  20. Taylor Rapp
    An old man had a ripe smelling finger. It was very ugly and had mold on it. He cut it off to not be embarrassed

  21. J.C.
    A man forgot to wash his fingers after touching a dead frog. After a few days his index finger started to rott.

  22. A girl played in the night when she felt something bite the next day she woke up and saw that her finger was black.

  23. My Dad had a finger, black and blue, that he got caught in an auger. This reminds me of 'The Rotten Finger'.

  24. One day this little grandma was jumping up and down from the stairs, she noticed that he finger was turning green, she went home.

  25. It lays there covered in red. Lost and idle with no owner to be found.

  26. The women wailed when she began to play her piano

  27. My dad has a black and blue finger,he doesn't know how it got this way, so we call it the rotten blue finger

  28. I was walking along the street when I fell down and broke my finger, later my finger was greener than grass.

  29. Dead, and turning moldy, the corpse lay in the coffin, maggots crawling in and out. But only one part is rotting, the finger.

  30. A girl went to a carnival one day. She rode so many rides her finger rotted and stunk. THEE END.

  31. A girl bought a ring, and it turned her finger green.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Had normal hands, with the exception of one finger.
    It was twisted and crumpled and bloody,
    I loved it and it loved me.

  34. Weeks ago she had been bitten by a very contagious dog. She thought she would be okay. Next week she has to get it removed!

  35. A man dies and this body stays preserved, but the finger with his wedding rings stars to rot right away.

  36. One day this girl was walking and noticed that her finger was turning black and had to chop it off.

  37. There was a rotten cow, He stuck his finger in it and began eating the organs of the rotten cow. - Dylan

  38. One day this little Leprechaun was looking for gold in a dungeon. He opened the dungeon door and smashed his finger. It turned rotten.

  39. His illness was internal. Unbeknownst to him, he kept feeding his putrid, wicked inside. Until it started to show on his fingertips...

  40. Linda was cleaning behind the stove, when she stumbled upon her long lost piece of her past, remembering the day she was cutting vegetables.

  41. As we were searching for what was causing the smell we found the rotten finger

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. one,two,three,four, five fingers
    but one was mysteriously different then the others.
    Its not something you would see,nothing normal, but rotten.
