Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hint Fiction

Hint fiction is the newest rave in the world of writing and literature. Hint fiction limits writers to a brief title and 25 words or less. The power of these words have to spark images and a much larger story. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors all tried their hand at creating hint fiction based on the given title: "Just One More Day."

“Just One More Day”
Freshmen Hint Fiction

One more day to fight. One more to live, to make it all worth while. To do everything he’s ever wanted. Before he’s gone. Alyssa

As he looks down from the sky, he sees a city on fire. Holes in the ground from the bombs. If he had one more day. Angelo

There was just one more day for you to live? Would you go skydiving or do something else dangerous? Would you tell as many people? Nole

As he sat there, feeling emptiness and sorrow, darkness came upon him. He saw sudden light while he walked through the street. Abby

One more day and I will be there. No more counting the days desperately waiting for it. I only wish it was one more minute. Sidney

I have one more day to go off and see my family before I am taken away for ever in quiet solitaire. Brandon

Lost in thought, staring at the boring, educational walls, wishing the horror go away, sitting blankly is the room, knowing there’s just one more day. Hailey

Knowing she was gone hit me harder than I thought. If I could change it all tonight I would do it in an instant. Juan G.

Just one more day until it started.  The wait was almost over.  He just wished it was today instead. Zach

Just one more day. To to show the world what he could give. Life was wrong, to give  you everything and take it all away. Daniel

I stare up at the ceiling feeling pain. No one is there to stop it I hope for one more day. Spencer

Tomorrow will come sooner than they know it. The other families and them in tears,
knowing they should make their last day count. Rachael

Year after year the day came, but this year was more exciting than others, for now she could do much more. Brooke

“Just One More Day”
Junior Hint Fiction

What would be like if I didn’t have to sit here? 24 more hours to live. Scared out of my mind thinking about tomorrow. Gaby

He put his hat on a hot, sunny summer day. A party just for him. They said they don’t know, but they still can guess. Ben

I’m crying on the inside, wishing for one more day on the outside. Locked in this cell alone with no one else around me. Dylan

She watched as he lay sleeping on the hospital bed. His body lie fragile, lifeless, pale. His health had not changed. When would this end? Emma

He’s stuck in prison, in a nation of evil. He did something against the leader, sentenced to die but has no regrets. Jacob

Everything as its end, time passes. The bags were packed; it was time to go. Time to part from her, days with her were over.  Ana

All the hairs have abandoned my body, this disease has taken all my strength. Hearing comforting words, I only want life... Clara

He waited, watching from afar. She was everything. She was life. It drove him insane. He plotted for tomorrow. Now…wait. Christi

She carried this baby for nine months.She decided to drive to the store to find out it was an unfortunate day. Jessica

She went to the doctor. Tears fell as she told her kids. Her husband was the last she told as she kissed him good-bye. Trisha

I wonder if this chain wasn't on my ankle and if the other end wasn't hooked to the wall if I would be free. Storm

It was an elegant, gorgeous luminescence. She felt the urge to draw near, yearning closure, left with no option, she consigned to the past, abandoned her life. Brooke

She screams and yells and lectures and talks.  He listens with no interest and begins writing. He delivers it she stops and smiles and laughs. Billy

He picked up the gun. Why was it out again? In the next instant she walked in and started yelling. Melina

“Just One More Day”
Sophomore Hint Fiction

He was mad and very sad. His mind was wondering and he couldn’t think about one thing. He just wanted more time. Tyler

He was sitting in the hospital bed waiting for the news...The doctor came in and told the bad news...tears filled his eyes...Taylor

A girl stares at the hole in the earth thinking, hoping this day weren’t real. That the whole thing was just a bad dream. Amber

One more day. Getting the guns ready, the calls cleaned, adrenaline rising. It’s only a day away and he can’t wait to hear the first crack. Jake

There is just one day left. All the kids were excited, but need to stay focused for what will come tomorrow. Andrew

Just one more day until I leave, one more day to be with my family. I’m nervous, but excited. Ready to go, but still scared. Jenna

As I see you leave, I hope to see you again. Maybe not here and now.  Maybe some day lead me to where you left. Alicia

Tears welling in her eyes just as the doctors are leaving. Laying in bed for so long, feeling her head where hair use to be. Karter

He misses him a lot and can’t stand it. They argued a lot. If only he got to see him for one more day. Mario

The skies are bright. Tomorrow they turn grey for five more days, when I enter with lifeless bodies. Most of us are committed for life. Austin

For More on Hint Fiction visit Robert Swartwood's website

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