Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Kite Runner Journal Question

After Hassan's rape incident and Amir's guilt for not doing anything about it, some thought keeps reappearing in discussion, which bear the questions: Do you betray someone without warning, or do small betrayals lead up to a larger one? How can you redeem yourself after you've betrayed a friend, or is it that once the sin has been committed, you instead have to learn to deal with the repercussions?

Write AT LEAST 8 sentences chronicling your thoughts. Use quotes form the book, your own thoughts, and classroom discussions to fuel your journal response.

Post as a comment to this post. Be sure to include your name, either through the use of your school gmail account or include it in your post. 20 points – Due 12/13/12

Monday, December 10, 2012

If Only Oedipus and Friends had Facebook

Students in English IV did some character analysis activities with the main characters from Oedipus the King. Students created Facebook profiles to highlight information we know about the characters, as well as making some predictions about what the character might enjoy or be like, based on a thorough examination of the character's traits.

Students samples can be seen by clicking on the links below.

Jocasta #1

Jocasta #2

Oedipus #1