Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oral Poetry Reading Responses

Students listened to the poem "Table Manners" by a fellow English Iowa teacher Kurt Straube. Kurt wrote the poem during our summer session of the Iowa Writing Project.

As they listened to the poem, students participated in a PiratePad discussion. Students paid special attention to VOICE, TONE, and STYLE. Students used PiratePad to record thoughts on a live document, where they were also able to see their classmates thoughts and feelings. Students then had a few minutes to respond to others on the PiratePad document.

English 11
English 9
English 10 

The poem, in its entirety, follows.

Table Manners
Kurt Straube

Dear Father–

you'd be so proud
of me tonight, here
with a girl–maybe even
The girl–at the Pizza Ranch
on University,
not because I've picked
the seediest dive in town
with the most engorged patrons and loudest brats
at which to impress the one
I've been seeing for almost a year now

but because at this moment
I am not sucking up stray kernels 
of corn from the corners of my plate
with nothing but my tongue.

That was, after all, the one
trait you said a man should
avoid, so long ago–my 
nine-year-old bare feet dangling
carelessly below my seat
at the dinning room table–

"Whoever she is, she won't love
you if you eat your corn
like a vacuum sucking lint."

Such poignant advice
from the man who once offended
my mother with horseradish-
breath, only to immediately shower,
shave, and brush his teeth...

all for the sake of her kiss.

So, Dad–Father–Man
to whom I may credit all
my finest and lowliest traits

thank you
for the advice, and
as always, for knowing
that the ones who are worth it
hate boys that suck.

A special thanks to Kurt Straube for sharing this poem.

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