Monday, February 13, 2012

Visual Analysis Writing Prompt: Composition II

Please think about the message in the following political cartoon. After considering the point the cartoonist is trying to make, apply what you know about the Occupy Wall Street Movement and our own financial discussion. Write an informed free-write on financial constraints felt by Americans today.


  1. This cartoon is demonstrating how Obama is attempting to reach out to everyone else in the US not the powerful people of the US... the 1%. He addresses us as everyone but he doesn’t actually mean everyone he means the people that vote. It’s ironic that those of us who choose the president don’t really have a say in who runs for president. We may get the final say but what does that matter when we don’t get to choose who our options are. Atleast thats what I think is trying to be said.

  2. I think that a big thing that we could do would be to give the american people more jobs, so that way we can raise that 1%. Many people right now are out of jobs, and are losing their houses so the economy is going down farther and farther. We need to get the unemployment to be cut down, and some of the lower class needs help finding jobs. The people who have been on welfare for so long are now starting to rely on it, so they aren’t going out and looking anymore because they have given up. We need to show them that there is a job market out there if they would just look hard enough, but thats the problem is people don’t care anymore to look. I think that if people would realize how many good jobs are out there if they just simply look, or even go back to school and get a better degree.

  3. My opinion on this comic is that the 1 % of the people that have a say in the economy is to low, I don’t think that the government should have that much power, I think the people should have more of a say, like a greater democracy. I believe the government should set up more job opportunities for the american people so that the unemployment rate goes down. As of now our unemployment percent is still high and needs to be decreased to a lower percent. I also think that the government needs to cut taxes so americans can have a little more spending money.

  4. With all the trouble going on in our country right now, many people are angry with our government. The 99% believe they need to be heard. Many people have heard of the 1% vs. 99%, 1% refers to the government and rich people, 99% refers to the everyday Americans who work hard to make money, and those who have lost jobs because of the economic downfall. I don’t think the government realizes how bad our economy is getting, or else government doesn’t know what to do anymore. If we don’t pay our debt off to China then we will lose some of Hawaii and California. Our Founding Fathers would not like to see our country in this shape. Because of the loss of jobs, and economic downfall has caused Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Des Moines, etc. If people wanted a job rather than marching around all day in circles because that clearly hans’t gotten you anywhere, they should go out and look for a job themselves.

  5. In today’s society everything comes down to how much money you have. People judge you based on the kind of car you drive, the house you live in, and the clothes you wear. The nicer your car is, the bigger your house is, and the more in style your clothes are, people consider you more “well off.” Money is everything and with the economy the way it is, more people are running out of money. If you can’t afford to go to college you will struggle in life. People are not likely to help you out these days. Many people don’t have opportunities because they don’t have money. Our whole country is in debt.

  6. The fact that one percent of the United States has all the power and money is completely unfair. We are supposed to be the land of opportunity when really unless your in the one percent you are screwed. We need to tax the one percent more that way the money is spread around rather than letting them hold on to it. It not fair to let well over the majority of the United States to suffer like that.

  7. Our nation is going through a crisis with the occupy movement. The message they are giving is that all our debt and money problems are the cause of 1% of Americans. They are the 1% with all the power in the government and most of the money. They control all our financial decisions with the debt to China and the economic recession our nation is going through.
    The political cartoon is a play on this concept. President Obama, being a Democrat, has been pointing the problem at the Republican party and their so called, “Inactivity.” The Republican party then says that they haven’t done anything because the Democrats are unable to make a deal. Because of this conflict, our nation suffers with economic failure and multiple debts to other countries.

  8. 99% of the US is in trouble while 1% are sitting just fine. To think about it in a smaller scale, if 100 people were waiting for their share of wealth, one guy will take almost half and leave the rest to the other 99 people. “We are the 99%” is a strong group of protestors who publicly make it known their struggles, financial debts, and lost dreams through Many feel that if a Republican is elected as President they will lose precious benefits that keep them barely above water. But there is a heavy debate about how to change these drastic numbers. Whether to invest in more benefits that will bring the US farther into debt or cut cost in all directions. Many will be affected no matter what the course of action is. I believe that there must be a compromise. Nothing solid will be decided if both parties/sides of the argument aren’t willing to give in to something. I don’t know what it will take for both parties to give in a little, but it has to be done.
