Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Rhetorical Situation: Visual Arguments Pre-Test

Click HERE to enter a pre-test to check your understanding of the terminology associated with the rhetorical situation.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fun in Composition: Hint Fiction and

Students in composition are working on descriptive writing. One exercise we've used to provoke thought on the power of words is Hint Fiction. Ms. Shaw shared several examples of hint fiction from Robert Swartwood's  Hint Fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer. Students then drew random titles for their stories from a bizarre collection created by Ms. Shaw. Students were given guidelines for their stories, such as the stories had to hint at something much larger, the title could not be used in the story at all, and the story had to focus on descriptive language.

Students will be using to showcase their hint fiction stories.

The story below was written by Ms. Nicole Shaw and is showcased as a model for students in using Wondersay.

The Wastelands by Ms. Shaw